online therapy available
online therapy available
Up to half an hour.
Sessions last up to 2 hours. Includes a full report. May be conducted face-to-face or via telehealth, decided on a case-by-case basis.
Sessions last 1 hour, although shorter sessions are available if appropriate. Fees also include time spent outside of the session preparing materials, planning, documentation and handover with other professionals.
Some face to face sessions require a higher level of PPE protection, such as an FFP3 facemask.
Standard PPE will not be charged for.
Please contact us to discuss costs for a block of treatment.
Liaison with other professionals for joint goal planning etc and written documents requested outside of the initial assessment report or standard therapy session are charged in respect of the total time taken, based on a rate of £90 per hour. We reserve the right to charge for lengthy telephone conversations at the standard rate. Clients will be advised in advance.
Specialist, tailored communication, facial therapy and swallowing (dysphagia) training to individuals, small or large groups as a training package.
Travelling costs calculated as a return journey from the speech therapists base. Clients can be seen in their own homes, Nursing or Residential homes, or alternative locations if insurance allows and this is appropriate.
Claims from medical companies are the sole responsibility of the client. Please contact them directly to discuss options for reimbursement of therapy with us.
Please discuss our current fees for case management clients with us for updated costs.
Please note our fees are subject to change
Full terms and conditions provided prior to initial assessment
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